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Journal of Bio-Environment Control is published by the Korean Society for Bio-Environment Control. 
Abbreviated title is ‘J. Bio-Env. Con.’. 
The purpose of the journal is to publish high quality periodicals presenting recent advance and the state-of-the-art in protected horticulture and plant factory. 
The journal covers a broad spectrum of topics including greenhouse design, microclimate and climate control, covering materials, water management, crop modeling, growing media and hydroponics, crop production and management, product quality, plant protection, lighting technology, energy, computational fluid dynamics, automation and sensors, plant factory technology, and others. 
Journal of Biological Production Facilities & Environmental Control (J. Bio. Fac. Env.) was launched in 1992. The journal title has been changed as current name in 2021 and Protected Horticulture and Plant Factory in 2013 and Journal of Bio-Environment Control (J. Bio-Env. Con.) in 1999



Journal of Bio-Environment Control

pISSN: 1229-4675

eISSN: 2765-3641


URL: https://www.ksbec.org/

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